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Servant Leaders 

Leading By Example 

Worker with Ladder


Pastoral Ministry 

Ziad is the senior leader at The Gate International. He has a servant's heart. He has a passion for worshiping the Lord, preaching His Word, and hosting His presence. He carries the vision to see souls saved, healed, delivered, and become true disciples of Christ's and His Word. He desires for the Gospel to reach all nations and bring them to the worship of The King. He is a leader among leaders and encourages pastors and leaders of other denominations. He loves to see all nations become one family under One God.  

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Intercession and women 


Najat is a woman of prayer. As a prayers warrior, she prays for different needs. and believes God to move in power. She encourages the body of Christ and stirs all to pray and be true disciples of Christ in all godliness and contentment. She is a pillar in the house of the Lord. She stands strong with her husband and believes that only through prayer and through God's word the ministry advances and is fruitful. She is also a lead worshiper among the Arabic speaking groups. She loves to share the good news of Jesus Christ and His power with the lost and with the broken.


Educational Ministries 
and Associate pastor

David is married to Amy, and have three boys named Salem, Hosea, and Nahum. He is full of God's encouragement and exhortation to the body of Christ. David heads the Educational Department and Focuses on reaching this generation with the Gospel of Christ. He longs to see this generation grow in God's word and be filled with God's Spirit. He is the organizer of the different ministry departments and mobilizes believers to be involved in the life of our children. 


Worship Ministry

Samaa is a worship leader and has an amazing passion for the Lord presence and has been instrumental in mentoring and training others to worship in spirit and truth. She loves god and His word and has the gift of teaching and longs to continue to build her musical skills for the glory of God. She has led outdoor worship and been a blessing to her community.


Treasurer and
Finance Ministry

Matthew is an amazing vessel of commitment and faithfulness. He heads and organizes all the financial aspects of the ministry. He keeps the balance sheet up to date and deals with taxes at the end of the year. He is also a house Church leader. 

Samaa is an amazing woman of God who is totally gifted in organizing ministries, schedule and operates on keeping pastor's schedule and meeting plans with different ministry departments. Also She is the head worshipper on Sunday services.  

Administration Ministry



Ushering and greeting       Ministires 

Justin is a gentle man who is faithful before the Lord and serves His family and His community faithfully. He loves to pray and walk right before God. He is a wonderful husband and incredible loving father to His teenage daughter.


Danny has so much compassion for the poor and he is gifted by God as someone who can easily connect with people. As a head greeter, he is called to train others to greet, guide and bring a smile on people's faces on Sunday morning service. He is a leader in the young adult house church meetings. Also He is partly involved in the hospitatilty ministry.  

John is a faithful and kind man of God who loves the young generations and longs to sow in them the word of God. He is married and has a beautiful  young girl that loves to worship the lord. A man like John is rare to find who carries within him the childlike heart that Christ has longed for within His generation. 

Kids  Ministries


The Focus is to mobilize servant leaders who are humble and willing to establish prayer beachheads or fellowships in different locations in the bay area and to evangelize and disciple a generation in the ways of the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Pastor Ziad mobilizes different teams to serve

in these ministries.

House Fellowship Ministries 
and Mission Ministries

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Sunday service at Foster City Elementary School at 461 Beach Park Blvd. Foster City, CA  94404

510-939-0050 /

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