Called To Love

1. Called To Love God First, Others As Ourselves And The Nations
Our One Triune God ... who is the author and finisher of faith
Ones Identity ... through the truth of God's Word
One another ... who are created in His image and for His glory
All Nations ... Fulfilling the great commission to Jews and Gentile
2. To Pray
We believe that we are called to pray individually and corporately for many things including revival, as well as the tangible presence of God to be manifested amongst all nations. The prayer of faith moves mountains. We are united with our Father in heaven in the name of Jesus; so that His kingdom will come and that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
To Be A House Of Prayer For All Nations"
3. To Unite
We are diverse and have all come from different religions, nations, languages, and cultures. Even so, we celebrate and strive to keep the unity of the Spirit of God in Christ in the bond of peace. We are many nations yet one family under the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who is the one true and triune God. This oneness in diversity inspires us to edify one another in love. This also inspires us to exercise the unique gifts that Christ has dispensed unto each one of us through the venues of grace. Whether it be natural or supernatural, earthly or heavenly, physical or spiritual, we are giving glory to the Father through Christ the Son.
4. To Change
Our life is filled with God's transforming power. God loves our cities and He has commissioned His church to transform the cities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are in agreement with the corporate Body of Christ in California for prayer and reaching our communities. We are one in the bond of Christ's love and power.
6. To Communion
Koi no ni a: We Celebrate each other which is a vital act of worship (Acts 2:42-47). We are called to be intimate, to love, edify, build, and strengthen each other in the unity of Christ, in the Holy Spirit.
We value Christ's Common-Union as we remember His death and resurrection. This has brought us life as we share in the finished work of the Cross. We embrace His power and His suffering as we continue to await His glorious second coming.
5. To Fellowship
7. To Grow
8. To Purity
We believe in The Authority Of Scripture. We believe that God’s Word is infallible in it's original writings, and that it is inspired by God.We believe His word is powerful and anointed for teaching and guiding every person into all truth.
We believe that without holiness no man shall see the face of God. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Our purity and holiness come from the finished work of the cross though Jesus. We are righteous in Him. Therefore we walk in His holiness. Only in Him we live, move and have our being.